All NZ Paper Tiger results from Regional and National regattas are uploaded to the online sailwave results folder, as well as being posted on some host Club websites during events. 

All sailors are graded based on cummulative results at National Championships.

This is to encourage comraderie and competition at all levels of ability, so everyone has something to sail for and keeps it enjoyable. The fleet is divided into thirds with those who have not sailed a Nationals remaining unseeded.  

Since 1975, there has been strong trans Tasman rivalry with International contests hosted alternatively by Australia and New Zealand.

The top ten sailors from each country, based on National Championship results, race as individuals and as a team (Kiwis or Kangaroos) to gain the award of being the International Paper Tiger Champion, International Junior Paper Tiger Champion and International Champion Team. Usually there is another team of 10 sailors from each country (Tuis and Wombats) who are by invitation. This means there is strong representation of around 40-50 boats at these contests making it a pinnacle event on the PT calender in both countries.   

During the pandemic, no contests were able to be held but the intention is to resume these again when able to.